Kultur der Hauptversammlungen in D, F, I und GB

Ein auf dem Buch Busi­ness is Show­busi­ness von Dr. Bri­gitte Biehl basie­ren­der Ver­gleich der Haupt­ver­samm­lun­gen fin­det sich bei dem Club of Flo­rence”: Thea­trics of Annual Gene­ral Mee­tings — a Euro­pean com­pa­ri­son.

This study ana­ly­zes Annual Gene­ral Mee­tings as” Per­for­mance. The thea­tri­cal and per­for­mance-rela­ted aspects of those pre­sen­ta­ti­ons like sce­no­gra­phy, stage design, out­fit, rhe­to­ric and Q&A, are ana­ly­sed in terms of their efficacy.”

So heißt es etwa über die Rede­kunst der Vor­stände: French direc­tors deli­ver the impres­sion that they are really happy to speak to their share­hol­ders. Whe­ther they are posi­tive or not, one will never know, but the per­for­mance at least shows a dyna­mic atti­tude. Ger­man CEOs stand behind their lec­tern, are not even gesti­cu­la­ting and in con­se­quence show little per­so­na­lity and sim­ply act in a boring way.” Oder über die Raum­ge­stal­tung: Ger­man Manage­ment tends to appear very ele­va­ted on stage, try­ing to create an impres­sion of hig­her aut­ho­rity”. Room­st­ruc­ture is sym­bo­li­cally char­ged and hence read­a­ble” as a sign-sys­tem. It is crea­ting a rea­lity which puts both part­ners of the inter­ac­tion into pre­scri­bed roles.”

Über die Gene­ral­de­batte und Aktio­närs­fra­gen: Ger­man com­pa­nies do not make public the shareholder´s ques­ti­ons on the inter­net after the AGM All Dax-com­pa­nies throw out TV- and radio-jour­na­list when the debate starts. Almost all inter­net web­casts stop in this very moment – excep­ti­ons in 2005 have been MAN, RWE und Thys­sen­Krupp. For rea­sons of per­so­na­lity rights”, they say. But all share­hol­der repre­sen­ta­ti­ves and almost every pri­vate share­hol­der signa­lise their wil­ling­ness for public trans­mis­sion. How come!” – Die Liste der die Gesamt­ver­an­stal­tung über­tra­gen­den Gesell­schaf­ten ist nicht voll­stän­dig; jeden­falls auch die Deut­sche Tele­kom, die Alli­anz SE und die Mün­che­ner Rück boten eine Inter­net­über­tra­gung bis zum Ende der HV

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