Am 12.1.2006 trat in Italien eine Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrechtsreform in Kraft. Die internationale Kanzlei ClearyGottlieb informiert darüber in einem Rundbrief. Unter anderem wird über eine Regelung berichtet, wonach börsennotierte Gesellschaften verschärften Offenlegungs- und Kontrollpflichten unterliegen, wenn sie Tochtergesellschaften in Ländern haben, die auf der schwarzen Liste stehen (black-listed jurisdictions).
„These jurisdictions will be identified by the Ministry of Justice based on the adequacy of their corporate law provisions relating to, among other things, (a) the public availability of companies’ organizational documents, (b) any minimum levels of capital stock, © the protection of stated capital stock, including by independent appraisal of the value of non-cash equity contributions, (d) the establishment of supervisory corporate bodies separate from those entrusted with the management of the company, (e) the preparation and publication of periodic financial statements, and (f) the liquidation of insolvent companies lacking prospects for recovery.”
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