International Handbook on Shareholders´ Agreements — Regulation, Practice and Comparative Analysis

Auf ein sehr inter­es­san­tes Werk sei hin­ge­wie­sen (sol­ches hätte ich gerne vor 25 Jah­ren zu Rate gezo­gen, als ich über Gesell­schaf­ter­ver­ein­ba­run­gen bei Kapi­tal­ge­sell­schaf­ten” schrieb): Inter­na­tio­nal Hand­book on Share­hol­ders’ Agree­ments. Der Mit­her­aus­ge­ber Sebas­tian Mock (künf­tig Uni­ver­si­täts­pro­fes­sor an der WU Wien) erläutert:

Share­hol­ders’ agree­ments are an inte­gral part of com­pany law and espe­cially of its legal prac­tice. Howe­ver, the his­to­ri­cal law makers mostly igno­red this phe­no­me­non of com­pany law and limi­ted the legis­la­tion to what is unders­tood today as the con­sti­tu­tion of the com­pany and the (sta­tu­tory) rights (and duties) of its share­hol­ders. As the con­se­quence share­hol­ders’ agree­ments are tra­di­tio­nally domi­na­ted by con­tract law and not by com­pany law alt­hough the tra­di­tio­nal con­tract law hardly pro­vi­des the necessary tools. Howe­ver, the influ­ence of share­hol­ders’ agree­ments on the com­pany, its manage­ment, its share­hol­ders and – mostly in the case of cor­po­ra­ti­ons lis­ted on a stock exchange – the mar­ket for cor­po­rate con­trol estab­lis­hed a dyna­mic inter­ac­tion bet­ween these two worlds of com­pany law and con­tract law.
By inclu­ding gene­ral remarks on spe­ci­fic topics rela­ted to share­hol­ders’ agree­ments on the one hand and nume­rous coun­try reports on the other we believe that this book pro­vi­des the rea­der with a broad and fun­da­men­tal under­stan­ding of share­hol­ders’ agreements.”

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