Renovating the German Private Limited Company

Das Ger­man Law Jour­nal erscheint mit einer Spe­zi­al­aus­gabe zur GmbH-Reform

Intro­duc­tory Edi­to­rial: Reno­vat­ing the Ger­man Pri­vate Limi­ted Com­pany — Spe­cial Issue on the Reform of the GmbH — - Gre­gor Bachmann

The Reform of Ger­man Pri­vate Limi­ted Com­pany: Is the GmbH Ready for the 21st Cen­tury? — - Michael Beurs­kens and Ulrich Noack

The New Unter­neh­mer­ge­sell­schaft (Entre­pre­neu­rial Com­pany) and the Limi­ted – A Com­pa­ri­son — - Jes­sica Schmidt

Share­hol­der Loans in Cor­po­rate Insol­vency – A New Approach to an Old Pro­blem — - Dirk A. Verse

Lia­bi­lity of the Mana­ging Direc­tor and the Share­hol­der in the GmbH (Pri­vate Limi­ted Com­pany) in Cri­sis — - Mat­thias Casper

The Acqui­si­tion of GmbH Shares in Good Faith — - Chris­tian Altgen

Cash Poo­ling Under the Revi­sed Ger­man Pri­vate Limi­ted Com­pa­nies Act (GmbHG) — - Jochen Vet­ter and Chris­tian Schwandtner

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