Aktionärsrechte-Richtlinie: Vorschlag des European Corporate Governance Forums

Das offi­ziöse Euro­pean Cor­po­rate Gover­nance Forum schlägt vor, die Aktio­närs­rechte-RL (s. dazu auch hier) um eine Rege­lung spe­zi­fi­scher Pro­bleme der grenz­über­schrei­ten­den Stimm­rechts­aus­übung zu erwei­tern. Fest­ge­legt wer­den soll, dass Inter­me­diäre (Ban­ken etc) ver­pflich­tet sind, den Inves­tor bei der Stimm­rechts­aus­übung aktiv zu unter­stüt­zen. Das Forum beschreibt die gegen­wär­tige Situa­tion, die durch die Ein­schal­tung diver­ser Inter­me­diäre zwi­schen Gesell­schaft und Inves­tor gekenn­zeich­net ist (zum Drei­eck Emit­tent — Inter­me­diär — Anle­ger s. auch hier):

In the cur­rent envi­ron­ment in which inves­tors hold their shares through secu­ri­ties accounts with secu­ri­ties inter­me­di­a­ries, this requi­res, in the view of the Forum, that secu­ri­ties inter­me­di­a­ries are requi­red to faci­li­tate the exer­cise of voting rights by their cli­ents. In cross-bor­der situa­tions, in which a chain of secu­ri­ties inter­me­di­a­ries exists bet­ween the com­pany and the share­hol­der, all secu­ri­ties inter­me­di­a­ries in the chain will need to con­tri­bute to the exer­cise of voting rights by a share­hol­der, by pas­sing on voting inst­ruc­tions or voting on the inst­ruc­tions of their cli­ents, or by faci­li­ta­ting the gran­ting of a proxy to vote to their clients. 

Dar­aus folgt der von Jaap Win­ter ver­fasste Rege­lungs­vor­schlag zu Art. 13, den sich das Forum zu eigen macht: 

Pro­fes­sio­nal inter­me­di­a­ries shall be requi­red to faci­li­tate the exer­cise of voting rights atta­ched to the secu­ri­ties held by such pro­fes­sio­nal inter­me­di­ary by or on behalf of the natu­ral per­son or legal entity for the account of whom the secu­ri­ties are held by eit­her of the two methods set out in para­graph 4. and 5.” 

Der Inter­me­diär ist danach gehalten 

(1) exer­cise the voting rights atta­ched to these secu­ri­ties in accordance with the inst­ruc­tions recei­ved from such natu­ral per­son or legal entity, 

(2) inst­ruct ano­t­her pro­fes­sio­nal inter­me­di­ary with whom secu­ri­ties are held by the first pro­fes­sio­nal inter­me­di­ary on behalf of such natu­ral per­son or legal entity to exer­cise the voting rights atta­ched to these secu­ri­ties in accordance with the inst­ruc­tions recei­ved from such natu­ral per­son or legal entity. 

(3) issue a proxy to such natu­ral per­son or legal entity to exer­cise voting rights atta­ched to these secu­ri­ties or to any third party desi­gna­ted by that per­son or entity, 

(4) request ano­t­her pro­fes­sio­nal inter­me­di­ary with whom secu­ri­ties are held by the first pro­fes­sio­nal inter­me­di­ary on behalf of such natu­ral per­son or legal entity to issue a proxy to such natu­ral per­son or legal entity or to any third party desi­gna­ted by that per­son or entity.” 

Diese Vor­schläge knüp­fen an die 2002 gewon­ne­nen Ergeb­nisse einer inter­na­tio­na­len Arbeits­gruppe an.

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